
Graph Powered
Natural Language Processing

Build and enhance your knowledge graph using artificial intelligence

The Challenge

All organisations have lots of digital assets. Finding and making the best use of those assets easily can add value and create new business opportunities. However, many organisations have trouble organising those assets and understanding what is in them.

Correctly classifying content, understanding the subject of that content and extracting information from it can be difficult and expensive to do manually. Automating at least some of the work is vital and this is a task that technology can now perform well.

However, automated solutions can be problematic because there is often a need to understand how a result has been arrived at, or to connect the extracted information both within and beyond the content in which it is found.

Our Solution

GraphAI is a natural language processing service, powered by Graphifi's knowledge graph technology. With GraphAI, you can easily transform your unstructured data into structured knowledge and insights.

Powered by the latest advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, GraphAI leverages Graphifi's knowledge graph platform to analyse and understand text data in a more meaningful way. By identifying key concepts and relationships, GraphAI can help you uncover hidden patterns, insights and opportunities in your data that you may have otherwise missed.

GraphAI is designed to be easy to use, with a user-friendly interface that requires no technical expertise. Simply upload your unstructured data and let GraphAI do the heavy lifting.

You can also integrate it with Graphologi, Graphifi's taxonomy and ontology management tool. Once integrated you can use taxonomies and ontologies managed in Graphologi to train custom machine learning models.

Once data has been extracted by GraphAI it can be accessed, referenced, and queried by the enterprise through the EasyGraph knowledge graph platform.

Whether you're looking to analyse customer feedback, conduct market research, or gain a deeper understanding of your business operations, GraphAI can help you unlock valuable insights and make better decisions. 

Easy to Get Started

The default implementation of GraphAI comes with a host of out-of-the-box options such as classification, entity extraction, relationship extraction, named entity recognition and sentiment analysis.

You can quickly get ideas about how to combine knowledge graphs with AI to deliver value quickly.

If you need help with understanding the possibilities, our service team is here to help guide you through the process.

Driven by Knowledge Graphs

By using taxonomies and ontologies to extract entities, concepts, and relationships, GraphAI is able to create a more structured and explainable approach to natural language processing. This approach helps to reduce the technical debt of AI and enables meaningful insights that are easier to understand and interpret.

By linking extracted entities to a knowledge graph, GraphAI can leverage the power of graph-based algorithms to identify relationships and connections between entities, providing a more holistic understanding of the data. This results in more meaningful insights that can be used to make better decisions.

In addition, the ability to customise the solution to keep humans in the loop helps to ensure that the insights generated by GraphAI are both accurate and explainable. This is particularly important in industries such as healthcare, finance, and legal, where the consequences of incorrect or unexplainable AI insights can be significant.

Overall, the use of taxonomies and ontologies, along with the ability to customise the solution and to also keep humans in the loop, helps to create a more transparent and explainable AI system. This, in turn, leads to reduced technical debt, more meaningful insights, and greater confidence in the decisions being made.

Adapt for Your Needs

At Graphifi, we understand that every business is unique, with its own specific data needs and challenges. That is why we offer not only an out-of-the-box GraphAI solution, but also a range of professional services to help you customise and optimise the platform to meet your specific requirements.

Our team can work with you to tailor GraphAI for your specific needs, whether that means integrating it with your existing systems, developing custom ingestion pipelines, or configuring advanced analytics workflows.

We offer a range of professional services, including consulting, implementation and support. Whether you are looking to extract insights from large volumes of data or need help building custom ingestion pipelines to handle complex data types, our team can help.

Key Features

Entity Extraction. Automatically identify and extract key entities from your text data, such as people, organisations, locations, and more.

Sentiment Analysis. Analyse the sentiment of text data to identify whether the overall tone is positive, negative, or neutral.

Topic Modelling. Automatically identify the main topics and themes present in your text data, helping you to understand what it is about and extract key insights.

Named Entity Recognition. Recognise specific named entities in text data, such as company names or product names, allowing you to easily track mentions and sentiment around them.

Language Support. GraphAI supports multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, and more.

Easy Integration. GraphAI can be integrated with Graphifi's other products,  Graphologi, for taxonomy and ontology management, and EasyGraph, for building knowledge graph applications.

Text extraction from multiple formats. GraphAI can extract text from multiple formats, including PDFs, images, Word documents and spreadsheets.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I get my hands on GraphAI?

    GraphAI is a solution and requires configuration based on the use case.

    If you want to try it, please get in touch. We will discuss your use case and can set up a trial instance of GraphAI optimised for that use case.

  • What machine learning frameworks are used?

    We use many open source frameworks. Depending on the use case the solution can be configured/tuned to use enterprise services.

  • How does it integrate with Graphologi and EasyGraph?

    GraphAI uses taxonomies for classification. 

    Taxonomies can be managed in Graphologi and data can be loaded into GraphAI from Graphologi.

    All the data generated by GraphAI is stored in a triple store for which there is a predefined data model. EasyGraph can be bootstrapped with the GraphAI data model to set up APIs for GraphAI data.

  • Can I use the default UI application for production and my team?

    Yes, if it meets your use case.

    We can also customise it for any use case.

  • Is managed service an option?

    Yes, please let us know the details and we can give you a quote for a fully managed solution.

  • What is the cost?

    Cost depends on infrastructure and scale.

    Please get in touch and we can give you a quote.

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